Invitation to journal
Daniel Normark has been invited to revise his paper “Tending to mobile societies” that was presented at Alternative Mobility Futures Conference’2004 for a special Issue of the Environment and Planning … Continue Reading →
Accepted paper
The paper Traffic Encounters and Hocman – Associating Motorcycle Ethnography with Design written by Mattias Esbjörnsson, Oskar Juhlin and Mattias Östergren, has been accepted to a special issue of Journal … Continue Reading →
New Scientist
Mattias Östergrens work on Sound Pryer appears in a recent issue of New Scientist. (Issue date 24th of January, page 20.)
Daniel Fällman, at the Tools studio, successfully defended his thesis ”In romance with the materials of mobile interaction” at the Department of informatics on Umeå University. Oskar Juhlin was a … Continue Reading →
Lecturing at IPKO Institute, Kosovo
Alexandra Weilenmann has given a short course on how to study the use of mobile technology at the IPKO Institute in Prishtina, Kosovo. Among other things, the students did a … Continue Reading →
Seminar at University of Glasgow
Alexandra Weilenmann gave a seminar at the department of Computer Science, Glasgow University. Her talk was named: studying mobile technologies in the field.
Seminar at University of Glasgow
Mattias Esbjörnsson gave a seminar at the department of Computer Science, Glasgow University. He presented the study on mobile phone use while driving, and the study on motorcycling.
Seminar at Karlstad University
Alexandra Weilenmann gave a seminar at the department of Media and Communication Studies, Karlstad University. She talked about her studies of mobile phone use.
New journal contribution on mobile phone use
In the recent volume of Environment and Planning A, Alexandra Weilenmann contributes with a paper on the ways in which place, availability and activity are oriented to in mobile phone … Continue Reading →
Providing future services for road users – Strategies from a retail perspective
The report Providing future services for road users – Strategies from a retail perspective, written by Oskar Juhlin, Mattias Östergren and Mattias Esbjörnsson, will be presented at Statoil, Warsaw, Poland.