Accepted paper

The paper The Road Rager – Making use of Traffic Encounters to Enhance a Mobile Gaming Experience written by Liselott Brunnberg and Oskar Juhlin has been accepted to Games and … Continue Reading →

Accepted paper

The paper Coping with Cars and Co-presence at Petrol Stations written by Daniel Normark, has been accepted to the Coping with complexity Workshop in Bath.

Prize for best exhibition

Mobility, and our research partners from FAL at the Viktoria Institute, Social Computing at SICS and DSV/Stockholm University, won the prize for best exhibition at SITI’s yearly conference the 17th … Continue Reading →

Road Rager user test

The Road Rager game was field tested in Stockholm the 18th and 19th of June. Twelve kids between seven and eleven got to try to challenge other kids in nearby … Continue Reading →

Accepted paper

The full paper “I’m waiting where we met last time”: Exploring everyday positioning practices to inform design has been accepted to NordiCHI 2004. The paper is written by Alexandra Weilenmann … Continue Reading →

Mobility promotes

Julie Andreyev and her colleagues launches an interesting live art project, beginning the 24th of May, that focus on the highway experience at splintermind.