Metria sponsors BSP

Metria has decided to sponsor the Backseat Playground project with GIS data to enable demonstrations in the Kista area.

New people in mobility

We welcome Arvid Engström as a new member and researcher in the Studio. Arvid has studied at the media technology programme at KTH in Stockholm, and also studied film production … Continue Reading →

New people in mobility

Etienne Thessman, student at media technology at KTH, will conduct his master thesis in the mobility studio. He will investigate the possibilities for players to create content in Backseat Playground.

New people in mobility

Joakim Formo joins the mobility studio. He is a MA-student from The Institute of Industrial Design at Oslo School of Architecture and Design. He is currently working on his master … Continue Reading →


An article on Backseat Playground appears both in the paper and web edition of GPS World Magazine.


Daniel Normark successfully defended his PhD thesis “Enacting mobility – Studies into the nature of road-related social interaction” at the Department of Sociology in Göteborg this Saturday.

Backseat Playground publicity

New Scientist Tech publishes an article about  Backseat Playground. The project also appears on engadget.

Ph D defense

Daniel Normark will defend his thesis “Enacting Mobility – Studies Into the Nature of Road-related Social Interaction” at the Department of Sociology in Göteborg, on Saturday the 9th of December. Opponent … Continue Reading →