Accepted papers

The paper SoundPryer: Joint Music Listening on the Road, written by Fredrik Axelsson and Mattias Östergren has been accepted as a poster at UBICOMP’2002.

Great news on funding!

The Mobility studio, together with the Humle-lab at SICS and the Future Applications Lab at the Viktoria Institute, has been granted 19 million SEK (around 2.000.000 Euro) over a three … Continue Reading →

Guest researcher

The Scottish geographer Eric Laurier, with a special interest in ethnographies of car use, visited the studio during a week in June.

News on new project

The National Road Administration have decided to fund the project “Car Drivers’ use of Mobile Phones – An Evaluation of Current Social Practice to Inform Design of New Services. The … Continue Reading →

Seminar on mobile services

Oskar Juhlin presented ongoing projects at a seminar arranged by NITA. A short summary could be found at Computer Sweden (in swedish only).

The mobile minister

The mobile minister is an ongoing project at the mobility studio. A short summary could be found at Computer Sweden (in swedish only).

News on funding

Vinnova has decided to fund our project “Sustainable Research on Mobile Services”. It is a collaboration between Mobility and Future Applications Lab at the Viktoria Institute, and the Humle-lab at … Continue Reading →

Accepted papers

The paper Finding a Space for the Mobile Workplace, written by Daniel Vesterlind and Mattias Esbjörnsson has been accepted to The third Wireless World Conference.

Accepted papers

The paper Making Motorbikers Come Together – Fast Moving Users and Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, written by Mattias Esbjörnsson, Oskar Juhlin and Mattias Östergren has been accepted to IRIS25’2002.

Technical progress

During this week the Backseat gaming prototype has been succesfully tested. Four children in the age 5 to 11 years enjoyed the “hard work” of testing the game.