Strategic alliance agreement

Ideas That Go Ping has signed a strategic alliance agreement with the Interactive Institute. ITGP will review existing results or technologies, specifically in the Mobility studio, to gauge their potential … Continue Reading →

Accepted paper

The paper Combining Mobile Phone Conversations and Driving – Studying a Mundane Activity in its Naturalistic Setting written by Mattias Esbjörnsson and Oskar Juhlin has been accepted to ITS’2003.

Program committee

Oskar Juhlin is a member of the program committee for MUM’2003, 2nd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia. The conference will be held in Linköping/Norrköping, Sweden, 10-12 December 2003.

Accepted papers

The paper Shared spaces shared responsibility: designing for non-obstructive browsing written by Daniel Normark Vesterlind, and the paper Adding value to traffic encounters: a design rationale for mobile ad hoc … Continue Reading →

Accepted abstract

The abstract Tending to mobile societies written by Daniel Normark Vesterlind has been accepted to Alternative Mobility Futures Conference, to be held at Lancaster University, 9-11 January 2004.

Statoil ASA engages in the studio

Statoil ASA has decided to become a studio partner for the rest of 2003. Our collaboration will include e.g. formulation of an IT-strategy for a petrol station retailer informed by … Continue Reading →

Guest researcher

Barry Brown, from Glasgow University, will be a guest researcher in the Mobility studio during May and June. Barry is interested in social science approaches to new technology, in particular … Continue Reading →

Accepted paper

The paper Mobile Bikers using Hocman – Field Trials on Mobile Interaction, written by Mattias Esbjörnsson, Oskar Juhlin and Mattias Östergren has been accepted to Mobile HCI’03.

Presentation at the CHIPS-seminar

Mattias Östergren held the presentation Traffic Encounters – Opportunities for Wireless and Handheld Computing, at the CHIPS-seminar: Scenarios of Mobility. The seminar was held at the University of Bradford.

Accepted paper

The paper Movement and Spatiality in a Gaming Situation – Boosting Mobile Computer Games with the Highway Experience, written by Liselott Brunnberg and Oskar Juhlin has been accepted to Interact’2003.