Invited lecture

Oskar Juhlin has been invited to give a talk about the Interactive Road at Andicom 2004 in Cartagena Colombia between the 20th and 22nd November.

Telematics valley conference

Oskar Juhlin has been invited to speak on augmenting the experience of road use by mobile services at the Telematics Valley Conference in Göteborg, which takes places between the 5th … Continue Reading →


The studio provide a second “exjobb” proposal on this page (not available any more).

U.K. trip

The Mobility studio has been doing field work at the British Rally in Wales between the 16th and 19th of September. The trip also included a visit and short talk … Continue Reading →

“Final seminar”

Mattias Esbjörnsson will present his thesis at a ”final seminar” on Wednesday December 1st between 13.00 and 15.30 at the Interactive Institute, Karlavägen 108. The final seminar is the last … Continue Reading →


The studio will provide an “exjobb” proposal on this page (not available any more).

Seminar at Computer Science in Glasgow

Oskar Juhlin ended his five weeks visit as a guest researcher at Glasgow University by giving a seminar at the Department for Computer Science.

Seminar at Mixed Reality Lab, Nottingham

Oskar Juhlin presented the research in the Mobility studio during a seminar at the Mixed Reality Lab at Nottingham University.

Accepted paper

The full paper The Road Rager – Making Use of Traffic Encounters in a Mobile Multiplayer Game written by Liselott Brunnberg has been accepted to The third international conference on … Continue Reading →

Read about Backseat Gaming

Henry Jenkins and Kurt Squire writes about playing our back seat games and other things under the title “Applied Game Theory Big in Sweden-Discovering truly innovative gaming in the least … Continue Reading →