Read about the “interactive road” in Vodafone Receiver
The article “Beyond just getting there – the interactive road” is published in the online journal Vodafone Receiver No 12. Oskar Juhlin discusses the experiential qualities in traffic encounters and … Continue Reading →
Accepted paper
The paper Road Talk: A roadside location-dependent audio message system for car drivers written by Mattias Östergren and Oskar Juhlin has been accepted to Journal of Mobile Multimedia.
Grant from Nordic Road Association
Daniel Normark received a grant from the Nordic Road Association to conduct a pre-study on the behaviour of young passengers in the vicinity of bus stops.
New mobility member
Today Elias Arnestrand worked his first day in the studio. In his master thesis work he will investigate speed trap SMS services. Elias is studying at Uppsala University (STS-engineer).
Backseat Playground
Backseat Playground is a new mobility studio project launched in collaboration with digital artist John Paul Bichard. It is a mobile gaming research project that will enable kids to play … Continue Reading →
Backseat Playground
The Backseat Playground website is now up and running and the project appears on more than 20 blogs. A few examples are: near near future, Smart Mobs, Engadget, Thinking Machine … Continue Reading →
Jury member Siemens Design Challenge
Alexandra Weilenmann of Mobility was one of the jury members selecting this year’s winner of Siemens Design Challenge. The five finalists and winner will be presented on Wednesday 26 February.
New mobility member
Yesterday Madlene Lindström worked her first day in the studio. She will conduct her master thesis work in the Rally project. Madlene is studying Interaction Design at Umeå Institute of … Continue Reading →
Accepted paper
The full paper From Ethnography on Infrastructure Management to Initial User Feedback on PlaceMemo written by Mattias Esbjörnsson has been accepted to Personal and Ubiquitous Computing: Theme issue on Interactive … Continue Reading →
Seminar with John Paul Bichard
John Paul Bichard, will hold a seminar introducing his work and especially Urban Tapestries and the Evidencia series on hybrid spaces (more info). Wednesday the 22nd of December, 15.00-17.00. For … Continue Reading →