Fieldwork on rally spectators and the design of a mobile service accepted for CHI2006
The CHI notes-submission Watching the cars go round and round: designing for active spectating [PDF], written by Mattias Esbjörnsson, Barry Brown, Oskar Juhlin, Daniel Normark, Mattias Östergren and Eric Laurier … Continue Reading →
Evaluation of Road Rager will be published at Pervasive 2006
The paper Keep your eyes on the road and your finger on the trigger – Designing for mixed focus of attention in a mobile game for brief encounters [PDF], written … Continue Reading →
Research on mobile phone use while driving in Canadian Press
Mattias Esbjörnsson has been interviewed about his research on mobile phone use while driving. The article, L’ethnographie du téléphone en voiture, (in French) is available at [link].
Invitation to working seminar
Mattias Östergren and Oskar Juhlin will present their text: ”Time to meet face-to-face and screen-to-screen” on Friday the 2nd December between 14.00 and 16.00. The text [PDF] will be available … Continue Reading →
“Final seminar”
Daniel Normark will present his thesis at a ”final seminar” on Tuesday the 15th November between 10.00 and 13.00 at the Department of Sociology in Göteborg. The address is Sprängkullsgatan … Continue Reading →
“Final seminar”
Mattias Östergren will present his thesis at a ”final seminar” on Thursday 20 October between 13.00 and 15.00 at the Interactive Institute, Linnégatan 89b. The final seminar is the last … Continue Reading →
Ordnance Survey, Lidingö Kommun, and MapInfo contributes to Backseat Playground
Several companies and organisations are contributing resources to the Backseat Playground project to the equivalent value of 500 000 SEK. Ordnance Survey produces digital and paper maps and OS MasterMap … Continue Reading →
Congratulations to Mattias Esbjörnsson for succesful defence of Ph D thesis
Mattias Esbjörnsson successfully defended his PhD thesis Enhanced social interaction in traffic on the Department of Applied Information Technology, at the IT-university in Göteborg on Friday.
Poster on Backseat Playground at Interact 2005
A poster presenting the Backseat Playground project was exposed in Microsoft Research booth on Intelligent Environments at INTERACT’05 (14-16 Sept).
Project on “mySplittime”
Niklas Scherp’s report on his project has been confirmated at KTH. Niklas has developed a Java programme called ”mySplittime”, based on specifications from the Rally-project, on a Nokia phone.