New prototype – Backseat grabber

The Backseat Grabber prototype provides a new interaction form to enable more interesting journey based games. When the passenger who enjoys such game play, and direct his mobile phone towards … Continue Reading →

First demo of Backseat grabber

The Backseat grabber was demonstrated at the Mobile Life Center inauguration. The demo combines the results of two separate master projects i.e. “the haptic cube” and “the mobile direction sensor”.

Participation in GeoInfo 2007

Liselott Brunnberg will present the Backseat Playground project at the conference GeoInfo 2007 in Gävle the 17 to the 19th of October.


David Jonsson, who normally works at the support section of the institute, will work in the studio during the autumn with the implementation of a prototype in the More TV!-project.

What happens during journeys?

The paper Driving and “passengering”: notes on the ordinary organization of car travel, written by Brown, B.,  Laurier, E., Lorimer, H,  Jones, O.,  Juhlin, O. et al, has been accepted … Continue Reading →