Accepted papers
The short paper: Hocman: Supporting Mobile Group Collaboration, written by Mattias Esbjörnsson and Mattias Östergren has been accepted as a studentposter at CHI’2002I.
Mobility Studio at Stockholm University
The short paper: Hocman: Supporting Mobile Group Collaboration, written by Mattias Esbjörnsson and Mattias Östergren has been accepted as a studentposter at CHI’2002I.
The short paper: Backseat Gaming: Exploration of Mobile Properties for Fun, written by Liselott Brunnberg has been accepted as a studentposter at CHI’2002.
We are now looking for people to employ at the mobility studio. If you are interested, take a look on the ad (in swedish only) and contact Oskar Juhlin.
The demos presented at the Interactive Institute open house is available for download. Please be patient, the files are very big. Quick time player is required, download from Apple.
January the 31, the mobility studio will organize a wireless gaming workshop together with the studio partner Digital Bridges Ltd. The invitation is limited to people working at the Interactive … Continue Reading →
The extended abstract, Mobility and social spatiality, written by Daniel Vesterlind and Mattias Esbjörnsson has been accepted to the workshop Transforming Spaces: The Topological Turn in Technology Studies.
German journalists visited the studio, which resulted in an article in Berliner Zeitung (in German only).
The book The Social Production of Technology – On the everyday life with things, edited by Glimell & Juhlin is now available at this site.
A backseat gaming demonstration is available for download (85 mb). Quick time player is required, download from Apple.
The Vinnova Report Vägen, resan och mobilen – Scenario med frågor för vägtrafik is available for download at the Vinnova website (in Swedish only).