NRS Seminar on mobile services
Mattias Esbjörnsson and Mattias Östergren will present their work [PPT] at the NRS seminar (Nordiskt Radioseminarium) on mobile services, 10th – 11th of October.
Mobility Studio at Stockholm University
Mattias Esbjörnsson and Mattias Östergren will present their work [PPT] at the NRS seminar (Nordiskt Radioseminarium) on mobile services, 10th – 11th of October.
Today, the EU Commission signed the Contract with the MGain Consortium (Mobile Gaming Industry and Culture). The Mobility studio will contribute with studies regarding mobile gaming from the perspectives of … Continue Reading →
The position-paper Issues of Spontaneous Collaboration and Mobility, written by Mattias Esbjörnsson and Mattias Östergren has been accepted to the workshop: Supporting Spontaneous Interaction in Ubiquitous Computing Settings at UBICOMP’2002.
The position-paper: Application Oriented Research on Leisure- and Work-Activities in a Truly Mobile Setting, written by Mattias Esbjörnsson has been accepted to the doctoral colloquium at CSCW.
An early version of the SoundPryer-prototype was tested last week. Findings from this test will inform the design of the interface.
Mile Magdic and Peter Sjöstrand received the highest grade on their master thesis: The Petrol Station – A Hot Spot Along the Road. Tutor: Daniel Vesterlind. The thesis is available … Continue Reading →
Oskar Juhlin and Alexandra Weilenmann (from the Mobile Informatics group at the Viktoria Institute) arranged a successful workshop on: Supporting Social Interaction in public places at the IRIS conference.
The paper Challenges and Opportunities for the Design and Evaluation of Mobile Applications, by Lars Erik Holmquist, Kristina Höök, Oskar Juhlin, and Per Persson has been accepted for the workshop … Continue Reading →
Liselott Brunnberg made her first major presentation at the SIGGRAPH conference in Texas. She succesfully presented the backseat gaming project and the first prototype at the sketches and applications section.
The paper SoundPryer: Joint Music Listening on the Road, written by Fredrik Axelsson and Mattias Östergren has been accepted as a poster at UBICOMP’2002.