Accepted papers

The paper Shared spaces shared responsibility: designing for non-obstructive browsing written by Daniel Normark Vesterlind, and the paper Adding value to traffic encounters: a design rationale for mobile ad hoc … Continue Reading →

Accepted abstract

The abstract Tending to mobile societies written by Daniel Normark Vesterlind has been accepted to Alternative Mobility Futures Conference, to be held at Lancaster University, 9-11 January 2004.

Statoil ASA engages in the studio

Statoil ASA has decided to become a studio partner for the rest of 2003. Our collaboration will include e.g. formulation of an IT-strategy for a petrol station retailer informed by … Continue Reading →

Guest researcher

Barry Brown, from Glasgow University, will be a guest researcher in the Mobility studio during May and June. Barry is interested in social science approaches to new technology, in particular … Continue Reading →

Accepted paper

The paper Mobile Bikers using Hocman – Field Trials on Mobile Interaction, written by Mattias Esbjörnsson, Oskar Juhlin and Mattias Östergren has been accepted to Mobile HCI’03.

Presentation at the CHIPS-seminar

Mattias Östergren held the presentation Traffic Encounters – Opportunities for Wireless and Handheld Computing, at the CHIPS-seminar: Scenarios of Mobility. The seminar was held at the University of Bradford.

Accepted paper

The paper Movement and Spatiality in a Gaming Situation – Boosting Mobile Computer Games with the Highway Experience, written by Liselott Brunnberg and Oskar Juhlin has been accepted to Interact’2003.

New mobility member

Today Kristina Hulterström worked her first day in the mobility studio. She will write her master thesis in a forthcoming project.

Placememo presented at a workshop

Oskar Juhlin presented the placememo-project at a mobile IT-workshop organised by Statoil Research Centre in Trondheim.

Succesfull test of the Soundpryer-prototype

The Soundpryer-prototype is capable of streaming music to other Soundpryer-units in the proximity. The movie-clip [WMV] contains an example where the passing car receives streaming music from another Soundpryer-unit by … Continue Reading →