The Mobile Life Center at Stockholm University is one of 15 competence centers that have been selected by the Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (VINNOVA) to become a so-called VINN Excellence Center. Each center will receive up to 70 MSEK funding from VINNOVA over a period of 10 years. For Mobile Life, the Stockholm University and the industrial partners will contribute an equal amount each, bringing the total amount up to 210 MSEK (roughly 30 million USD). The center will be based at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV) in Kista, and partners include SICS, KTH, Ericsson Research, TeliaSonera, Sony Ericsson, Microsoft Research, Municiplaity of Stockholm, Kista Science City, FOI and Stockholm Innovation and Growth. The Mobile Life Center will become a world-renowned focal point for research in mobile services and ubiquitous computing. It will adopt a fundamentally user-oriented perspective to design services for a sustainable web of work, leisure and ubiquitous technology we can call the mobile life. The Centre’s academic, industrial and public partners will jointly work on strategically important projects that can provide a sustainable growth for Sweden. For more information, read the original research program submitted to VINNOVA. Mobile Life started in 2002 as a project funded by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (for more information, download the project’s halfway report.) The Mobile Life Center will be an extension and expansion of the original Mobile Life project. The leaders of the center are Professor Kristina Höök, leader of the Interaction Laboratory at SICS and professor in Human-Machine Interaction at Stockholm University; Associate Professor Lars Erik Holmquist, leader of the Future Applications Lab at the Viktoria Institute; Associate Professor Oskar Juhlin, director of the Mobility Studio at the Interactive Institute; and Dr. Annika Waern, coordinator of the iPerg project as SICS and director of the Game Studio at the Interactive Institute.